Josh Absenger präsentiert mit „Flowers“ einen weiteren sehr feinen Season Clip. Dieses Mal gibt’s zu den sehenswerten Shots aus dem Absolut Park eine tiefe Packung an Powder in Japan!
„In skiing Josh finds his personal freedom. „For me skiing is always a form of art like painting or writing a book,“ he says. „Video projects like this give me space for self expression. That’s why I still love to go outdoors and shoot some film. You can do 100 percent your own thing. There are no rules or something that limits your creativity. And what I like on projects like this is that it all starts from zero. It’s a growing process. It’s like sowing seeds in the soil and waiting for them to grow. That’s why I called this project „Flowers.“ Some years they grow better and some not. That’s life.““
„This season we had an great trip to Kiroro on Hokkaido. I teamed up with Fabi Hyden, Luggi Brucic and Sebastian Höllwart . We got pretty lucky with the timing and had 10 days of great conditions. There’s also a few ski touring days from the winter in Europe and some sunny park laps at Absolutpark.“ – Josh