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Videos"Urbania" - THE SQAD

“Urbania” – THE SQAD

Gefühlt gehen immer weniger Crews raus und riskieren ihre Gesundheit beim Streeten – nicht so die THE SQAD-Crew aus der Schweiz. Hier ist ihr sehenswertes Urban-Mixtape!

“After 3 years of lurking around the streets of Switzerland and eventually stacking some shots, we finally managed to put an urban edit together. We had to sort out over 100GB of footage and selected the most memorable, funny and sick shots out of it. From the west to the eastern part of Switzerland, we witnessed bangers, laughs and some injuries while setting up the spots, shredding them and trying not to get kicked out by the police. Over all, the edit represents the good vibes that we lived through on the streets.

Nicolas has put a lot of work into it, to arrange the selected shots together in a 7 minute edit. He uses the video as a school project.

Peace, love & NNB

Social Media Links

Urbania is online – link in bio 🎬☝🏼 # After 3 years of lurking around the streets of Switzerland and eventually stacking some shots, we finally managed to put an urban edit together. We had to sort out over 100GB of footage and selected the most memorable, funny and sick shots out of it. From the west to the eastern part of Switzerland, we witnessed bangers, laughs and some injuries while setting up the spots, shredding them and trying not to get kicked out by the police. Over all, the edit represents the good vibes that we lived through on the streets. @nicolas__z has put a lot of work into it, to arrange the selected shots together in a 7 minute edit. Peace, love & NNB 🎪⛷🏂🍾 🐷🚔 #thesqad #urbania #nnb #urbanskiing #dlinda

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