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Videos"Up To No Good" Ep. 1 - Dennis & Max in Neuseeland

“Up To No Good” Ep. 1 – Dennis & Max in Neuseeland

Dennis Ranalter und Max Glatzl haben eine neue Webserie am Start und die erste Folge aus Neuseeland fetzt richtig gut!

“Up To No Good” Ep. 1 – Offizielle Beschreibung

“Dennis Ranalter and Max Glatzl flew all the way down to Wanaka / New Zealand for the Jossi Wells Invitational. They were pretty lucky with the weather and had banger days at Cardrona Alpine Ski Resort. The park was in perfect shape and the boys were shredding hard. All in all they had a super nice season start for their new series ‘Up to no good’. Check out their first episode and stay tuned for more to come! Shout out to Jossi Wells for putting on such a sick event and to Cardrona Alpine Ski Resort for building such a nice park!”

Wir werden euch mit allen aktuellen Folgen in diesem Artikel auf dem Laufenden halten. Enjoy!

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