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VideosEditsJib League S02 (2024) - #2 Sugar Bowl

Jib League S02 (2024) – #2 Sugar Bowl

Nach dem Stopp an der Nordkette ging es für die Jib League Crew das erste Mal in die USA und zwar ins Sugar Bowl Resort. Der Stopp war ein voller Erfolg, es waren massiv viele talentierte Freeskier – sowohl bekannte als auch Newcomer – am Start und hier sind alle Videos sowie Ergebnisse.

„The skier who accumulates the most points from the entire season (s02 e01: Nordkette, Austria + s02 e02: Sugar Bowl, CA + s02 e03: Myrkdalen, Norway) will be crowned Jib League Season 2 Champion and have the honor of carving their own name into the Jib League Champions’ trophy which they will hold for a year until the next Champion is crowned.“

Jib League 2024 / Sugar Bowl – Official Broadcast #1

„California’s incredible trees have been featured many times in various pieces of freeski artwork throughout the years – arguably non greater than by King Candide himself. So we decided to find one for our newschool shredders to test their metal and see whether they hold a candle to the greats.“

Jib League 2024 / Sugar Bowl – Official Broadcast #2

„With another newschool take on an oldschool classic, the Jib League creative council mixes up the medicine by designing the hip with a twist. We call it The Diamond. When you’re mobing through Cali’s spring slush turning crispy in the fading golden light, how confident are you that you know exactly where that landing is. Does the diamond fade away to a knife edge point at the tip… Make sure your lined up or feel rath of the Gucci Plato.“

Jib League 2024 / Sugar Bowl – Official Broadcast #3

„Prepare your senses for an epic saga of slush, steel, and sheer skill as we bring you the last pro session in California. Seven fearless warriors, skilled beyond their years, have emerged from the ranks of the bold and the brave, having conquered the grueling Open. Now, they face their greatest challenge yet: a showdown with the titans of the terrain, the professional masters of rail and box! Every slide a journey, every landing a tale to tell. The air will crackle with competitive spirit as our skiers carve their names into the annals of jib history!“

Ergebnisse Sugar Bowl

Best Tricks:

  • Tree Session
    • Rell Harwood
    • Jake Mageau
  • Diamond Hip Session
    • Olivia Asselin
    • Édouard Therriault
  • Rail Session
    • Taylor Lundquist
    • Jackson Jenkins

Overall Session:

  • 1. Jake Mageau
  • 2. Mac Forehand
  • 3. Jackson Wells

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