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VideosEditsJib League S02 (2024) - #1 Nordkette

Jib League S02 (2024) – #1 Nordkette

Die Jib League ist in ihre zweite Saison gestartet. Bei dem Event an der Nordkette gab es nach der Open Session in den drei Pro Sessions ein Trickfeuerwerk vom Allerfeinsten, das ihr nicht verpassen solltet!


Neben dem Overall Gewinnern des Jib League Events an der Nordkette wurden zusätzlich pro Session zwei Best Trick Awards vergeben, einer für die Männer und einer für die Frauen.

Best Tricks:

  • Jump Session
    • Rell Harwood
    • Tom Greenway
  • Battleship Session
    • Olivia Asselin
    • Tomrod Frostad
  • Bonkerz Session
    • Olivia Asselin
    • Mikkel BK (Mikkel Brusletto Kaupang)

Overall Session:

  • 1. Tormod Frostad
  • 2. Mikkel BK (Mikkel Brusletto Kaupang)
  • 3. Kai Mahler

Jib League S02E01 – Jump Pro Session

„The well anticipated season 2 has landed! We start off the Pro Sessions to see what some of the world’s raddest jib lords can dish out on Skyline park’s main jump line… the self-same hits that are open for the public every day, every season overlooking Innsbruck. 7 Qualifiers from the Jib League Open (open to all ages, genders and abilities) meet 19 world class pros and the 3 founders; Ferdinand Dahl, Øystein Bråten and James Woodsy. „

Jib League S02E01 – Battleship Pro Session

„In response to these skier’s reputation for destroying features, we decided to gift Skyline park this battleship… An impenetrable fortress adrift on the tumultuous seas, forged from steel and bristling with the might of modern warfare, a behemoth of naval power that boasts a formidable arsenal, swathed in layers of armor, this sentinel of the deep ready to unleash its wrath upon any who dare challenge its supremacy in an attempt to clip up.“

Jib League S02E01 – Bonkerz Pro Session

„To round out episode 1, we add a fresh twist to the Jib League classic! Enjoy all the Bonk action, thank you for checking out what we’re up to and we will see you soon in Sugar Bowl, California on 7th April 2024 for the next Jib League Open! ♥“

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