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VideosEditsArmada Skis Dreamteam in Kläppen

Armada Skis Dreamteam in Kläppen

Von OGs wie Henrik Harlaut und Sammy Carlson bis hin zu talentierten Young Guns wie Dani Bacher, Walker Woodring oder Olivia Asselin: Armada Skis hat aktuell ein absolutes Dreamteam am Start und war zum gemeinsamen Shred in Kläppen unterwegs!

„The AR Team flocked from all corners of the globe to Kläppen Snowpark last May. Piggybacking on the Kimbo Sessions, Kimbo himself hosted the whole crew at his home resort, serving up a pristine park setup for a long-awaited reunion. An unreal week of skiing with a stacked roster of athletes reconnecting in the long daylight hours of Swedish Spring, AR Week was about discovering creativity on the mountain and in Armada’s.“


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