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NewsFIS World CupsAbsage: Big Air & Halfpipe Weltcups 2020 in Copper Mountain finden nicht...

Absage: Big Air & Halfpipe Weltcups 2020 in Copper Mountain finden nicht statt

Der amerikanische Ski & Snowboard Verband hat heute bekannt gegeben, dass die beiden Weltcups in Copper Mountain, Colorado, in den Disziplinen Big Air sowie Halfpipe nicht stattfinden können. Alle Infos im Überlick.

„While it’s unfortunate that we are unable to host World Cups at Copper Mountain this season, we understand that the resort must prioritize regular ski and ride operations throughout the ever changing COVID-19 landscape“ – U.S. Ski & Snowboard President and CEO Tiger Shaw

Kurz nach dem erfolgreichen Ende des Stubai Freeski Weltcups 2020 in Österreich erreicht uns die Nachricht vom amerikanischen Ski und Snowboard Verband U.S. Ski & Snowboard, dass die beiden Weltcups in den Disziplinen Halfpipe sowie Big Air im Dezember 2020 in Copper Mountain (Colorado, USA) aufgrund der aktuellen Corona Lage nicht stattfinden können.

Aktuell wird in Zusammenarbeit mit der FIS nach alternativen Veranstaltungsorten für die beiden Weltcup-Contests gesucht.

Die aktuelle Absage betrifft nur die Competitions in Copper Mountain. Schon vor der Saison wurde die Weltcups in Italien (Seiseralm, Slopestyle) sowie China (Peking, Big Air) abgesagt. Alle weiteren Freestyle Weltcups sollen nach aktuellem Stand durchgeführt werden.

Die komplette Meldung von U.S. Ski & Snowboard

„The 2020-21 FIS Freeski and Snowboard World Cup events scheduled for Copper Mountain, Colo. Dec. 17-19 have been cancelled given the current, dynamic situation surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic in Colorado.

Copper Mountain’s priority is to provide guests the opportunity to safely enjoy skiing and riding this winter starting Nov. 30. Copper Mountain is focused on working through season readiness, risk mitigation, as well as executing an adaptable plan they can scale based on local and state health regulations.

U.S. Ski & Snowboard is working closely with the International Ski Federation (FIS) and other domestic resort partners to secure replacement venues for the first stop of the Land Rover U.S. Grand Prix as well as the Visa Big Air that were scheduled for Copper Mountain.

“While it’s unfortunate that we are unable to host World Cups at Copper Mountain this season, we understand that the resort must prioritize regular ski and ride operations throughout the ever changing COVID-19 landscape,” said U.S. Ski & Snowboard President and CEO Tiger Shaw. “U.S. Ski & Snowboard would like to express gratitude to everyone at Copper Mountain for their dedication, planning, and collaboration throughout the planning process for these events. We remain hopeful and confident in our ability to work with our resort partners for the remaining domestic World Cups planned for this season.”

Decisions for all other domestic FIS World Cup events, including the 2021 Intermountain Healthcare Freestyle International at Deer Valley Resort, Utah, planned for Feb. 4-6 and the Land Rover U.S. Grand Prix at Mammoth Mountain, Calif., planned for Feb. 3-6, will be made independently and based on an assessment of each unique set of circumstances that include the risks and travel requirements related to every event, host county, and host state.

U.S. Ski & Snowboard recognizes that the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has impacted areas of the country in different ways, and therefore specific event information will be forthcoming as each local organizing committee works through its specific protocols with local and state health officials. All events are contingent on local and state health department approvals based on existing and future COVID-19 rules and regulations. FIS, U.S. Ski & Snowboard, local organizing committees, and host venues are taking a unified approach consistent with guidance from federal, state, and local health authorities.“



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