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NewsUnrailistic 2024 - Livestream

Unrailistic 2024 – Livestream

Beim Red Bull Unrailistic 2024 Event von Jesper Tjäder stehen ohne Zweifel die krassesten Rails, die es jemals bei einem Event gegeben hat und hier findet ihr dem Livestream vom Contest am 26. April!

Red Bull Unrailistic 2024 Livestream

Video: Unrailistic 2024 Livestream

Los geht’s mit dem Livestream vom Finaltag am 26. April 2024, ab 17:45 Uhr (CET).

Weitere Infos rund um das Event von Jesper Tjäder findet ihr hier.

Rider: Henrik Harlaut - Foto: Red Bull
Rider: Henrik Harlaut – Foto: Red Bull


Folgende Fahrer sind bei dem Event mit am Start:

Andreas HåtveitNO
Colby StevensonUS
Emil GranbomSE
Evan McEachranCA
Henrik HarlautSE
Hunter HendersonUS
Isabella TvedeDK
Jennie-Lee BurmanssonSE
Jesper TjäderSE
Joel MagnussonSE
Johanne KilliNO
Lisa ZimmermannDE
Matěj ŠvancerCZ
Max MoffattCA
Nico PorteousNZ
Sandra EieNO
Tom WallischUS
Zoe Van EssenCA
Theo ThorénSE
Rider: Henrik Harlaut - Foto: Red Bull
Rider: Henrik Harlaut – Foto: Red Bull

Das Setup

Red Bull Unrailistic 2024 – Setup

Text: Red Bull


Going from zero to a hundred, the rollercoaster will kick riders straight into action adding some spicy g-forces to the mix. Let’s just say the riders will be up and alert as soon as they leave the start gate.


Five rails lined up just like the number five on a dice gives riders plenty of options to get creative. Rail, transfer and gap in multiple directions, several times. Opportunities here are endless, especially if you feel like rolling the dice and going big.


The 8-kink first saw the light of day in Tjäder’s viral Unrailistic 2.0 edit. The 4-kink is a slightly simplified version that still requires the skier’s full attention and maximum balance skills to keep up with the constant change in direction.

Split transfer

Like a triple transfer but with the option to rail to the left and right. A feature that is likely to get the creative juices flowing.

Dancefloor + Flatdown

This could be the new favourite feature of 2024. How about doing a belly slide or maybe rail the bar next it? What works and what doesn’t, no one actually knows as this is a never-before-tried feature. But one thing’s for sure, it’s all about having fun on the dancefloor!
Next to it, a true original, the flatdown box was featured in the first Unrailistic edit from 2015. Located on the nook of the hill, this feature is 56 metres long and will propel the skiers out onto the steepest part of the course.

The rainbow

The elevated rainbow rail is one of the biggest features on course and was a rider favourite during last year’s competition. Relatively “easy” to hit, it’s a true crowd-pleaser sending the skiers high into the air where they can choose to rail it or jump over the whole thing. Expect some big tricks to go down.

Shoot out

The trampoline is a Tjäder Classic, a feature he brought to life in his first Unrailistic edit. This year it’s combined with a cannon rail so that skiers either can send the rail and gap over to the landing or make a halfway stop and get creative on the trampoline.

Tjäder Twist

What is better than one insane Tjäder feature? Well, two of course. The Tjäder twist is a combination of two of his most famous creations: the Trippel-S from his Unrailistic edit and the Spider Rail from his Japanese Game Show edit. It’s basically two double-S rails placed opposite each other. Will the riders rail the whole thing, or will they transfer over? And back again?

The Wave

Time to go surfing. The wave is the grand finale on the course and sees skiers tackle an actual pond of water. They’ve got a couple of options: rail straight over the water, add some flair by doing a barrel on the wallride wave or rail on top of the wave. Might look easy, but when getting soaked head to toe is a potential outcome the riders will definitely be stepping up their game.

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