“Chicken Sedan” – Line Skis Team Eskalation in Crans Montana

Volle Kanone: Das Line Skis Team feuert beim Team Shooting in Crans Montana mit Will Wesson, Pete Koukov, Sämi Ortlieb, Thomas Trifonitchev, Dylan Siggers, Kim Gubser, Migi Reibenschuh und vielen mehr aus allen Rohren!

“Ya know why they call it a chicken coop and not a chicken sedan? Yeah, we don’t know either. But we do know that you should watch the newest team cut that we just put out for your viewing pleasure.

Last spring, we (the desk jockeys stationed in Seattle, WA) traveled over the pond to Crans Montana, Switzerland with 10+ of LINE’s North American athletes to meet up with 10+ of LINE’s European athletes. What came of it was one of the best team shoots in the history of our brand. Crack a cold one, kick back, and watch 11 minutes of our North American and European teams hot lapping Alaia Parks in Crans Montana in Chicken Sedan.”
