Die Line Skis Crew zeigt was mit diesem Clip eindrucksvoll, was man mit den neuen Vision Latten ins Backcountry zaubern kann. Macht krass Laune auf Skifahren!
Alle neuen Line Skis Bretter findet ihr in unserer Produktdatenbank mit dem aktuellen Material für 2021/2022!
„Freeride meets Freestyle as heavy-hitters Jonnie Merrill, Jake Hopfinger, and LJ Strenio join forces in Aspect, the newest offering in the Vision Quest Short Film Series. Filmed on location at Mount Baker, the crew gets after big mountain lines, backcountry booters, and endless free refills on the LINE Vision Collection. Sit Back and enjoy some quality skiing.“
Filmed and edited by Jake Strassman
Skiing by Jonnie Merrill, Jake Hopfinger, and LJ Strenio