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VideosEdits"Wind For Whistles" - Jake Mageau & Brady Perron X Level 1

„Wind For Whistles“ – Jake Mageau & Brady Perron X Level 1

In „Wind For Whistles“ bekommen wir vor allem Powder- & Street Shots mit dem unvergleichlichen Style von Jake Mageau, aber richtig rund wird der Clip erst durch die zusätzlichen Einblicke in die Anfänge von „Mango“ und die Support Clips seiner Homies.

„The inimitable Jake Mageau syncs up with friend and Director Brady Perron for the third installment of their collaboration with Level 1: „Wind for Whistles“. The film unfolds a special place and time in freeskiing, a place where Mageau’s athleticism meets his artistry – where past meets present. From the eastern seaboard to the most north western locations, enjoy the camaraderie that is Wind for Whistles. Make some noise.“


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