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VideosSeries"The Euro Vanventure" (2019) - Ahmet Dadali

“The Euro Vanventure” (2019) – Ahmet Dadali

Ahmet Dadali hat letzte Saison seine Sachen zu Hause in den USA verkauft und ist zu einem Europa-Ski-Trip aufgebrochen. Hier die ganze Story von seiner interessanten Reise.

Ahmet Dadali, ProFreeskier und All-Around Nice Guy war im letzten Winter auf großer Europa Tour und hat dort viel erlebt. Um diese Reise zu ermöglichen hat er seinen Hausstand inklusive RV in den USA verkauft und mit Hilfe von Sponsoren ging seine Reise in Österreich los.

Dort erkundet er in seiner ersten Episode von “The Euro Vanventure” unter anderem das Backcountry am Kitzsteinhorn zusammen mit Local-Boss Tom Ritsch und mit Paddy Graham baut er fette Backcountry Jumps. Was Ahmet auf seiner Reise noch so erlebt hat und wie er sich bei einem Urban-Spot verletzt hat, erfahrt ihr in der ersten Folge. Film ab!

“The Euro Vanventure” (2019) – Ahmet Dadali

Ep. 3 – “Switzerland to Chamonix”


“In This Episode we traveled around Switzerland trying our best to search out Powder. Lots of rainy days and a bit of powder is what we found so off to Chamonix with Tom Ritsch, Jacob Wester, Anais Caradeux and Henrik Harlaut.”

Ep. 2 – “Skiing in War torn Former Yugoslavia”


“Ahmet Dadali Takes the Hymer RV out of Austria driving 10 hours to pick up Slovenian Freeskier, Agron Imeri and Filmer Ezav Mrgole. Driving through Croatia, and Serbia to ski the highly controversial region of Kosovo at Brezovica. Back in the Hymer RV to check out Dubrovnik, Croatia. The valleys of Montenegro to eventually ski at the old Olympic Ruins destroyed from the Sarajevo Seige in the 90s with Austrian Freeskier Tom Ritsch and Paddy Graham.”

Ep. 1 – “The Euro Vanventure”


“Stagnancy creates boredom. Boring people get bored. Was I getting Boring? I was tired of going to the same winter migrational spots around the U.S. Every year started to blend together as a mush of the same season again and again and again, something had to change before I go crazy.

It was time for a change and with the help of Volkl Skis, Hymer RV’s, and Oyuki I found a new kind of Adventure. I sold my RV I had lived out of for 2 years. Sold my car. Even sold the love of my life, my snowmobile. After all that selling and putting a little money in my pocket I hit the Road in a whole new continent. Europe. Hymer supplied us with a badass, 7 meter RV, to cruise through Europe. We went from one country to another in search of different cultures, exotic foods, beautiful scenery, and of course Snow.

For Episode 1 I started in Austria, meeting up with Paddy Graham and Tom Ritsch to get to know Tom’s home country. Austria provided us with Monstrous mountains, amazing snow, and Mama made Schnitzel.

Enjoy the first episode and look out for the next one where we travel through the Balkan countries, meeting up with our Slovenian friend, Agron Imeri and his Filmer Ezav Mrgole, to ski in Kosovo. Then out to Bosnia with Tom Ritsch and Paddy Graham”

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