Tom Wallisch is back! Im neuen Streifen von Good Company gibt es aber nicht nur neue Street-Footage vom OG Steeze-God, sondern auch von LJ Strenio, Tucker Fitzsimons, Mitchell Brower und vielen mehr! Absolut sehenswerter Urban- und BC-Film!
„Good Company crew is back! With travel restrictions and pandemic difficulties the Good Company crew spent the season searching out new features closer to home. Come along with Tom Wallisch and friends as they make the best of the cards they’re dealt. From the city streets of Iowa to the Utah backcountry, the Good Company crew skis everything!
When life gives you lemons make Lemonade…
And this years film has been Fresh Squeezed!“
Tom Wallisch, LJ Strenio, Tucker Fitzsimons, Mitchell Brower, Jake Doan, Colby Stevenson, and way more!