Nach einer schweren Knieverletzung im Jahr 2018 meldet sich Bobby Brown mit einem fetten „Backcountry only“ Full Movie zurück!
Bei der DEW Tour 2018 verletzte sich der US Amerikaner und Pro Freeskier Bobby Brown bei dem letzten Trick seines sonst perfekten Runs am Knie und muss daraufhin eine langwierige Reha durchmachen. Nachdem er wieder fit ist, entscheidet sich Bobby für ein neues Projekt, dass er fast ausschließlich im Backcountry Filmen will.
Sehenswerter Film mit fetten Bootern, Triple Corks, Backflips und guten Freunden!
„Dynamic Medium“ (Full Movie) – 2019 – Bobby Brown
„After a devastating knee injury in 2018, American freeskier Bobby Brown set out on a mission to push himself in a new medium and go deeper into the mountains. Linking up with friends Jossi Wells, Quinn Wolferman, Kolby Ward and his brother Peter Brown, Bobby embarked on what turned out to be one of the crew’s best winters to date, traveling through the North American Rockies, into the Tetons and across the pond to Europe. From triple corks and backflips to rodeo 720s and a one line at Colorado’s Winter Park Resort, watch the skiers chase the dynamic medium that is snow around the globe in search of the ultimate line on skis.“
„Dynamic Medium“ – Beyond The Build – Wyoming (BTS)
„Last year we spent the majority of our winter in the Wyoming backcountry building jumps, finding new lines, and exploring the beautiful landscapes. Here is our new series ‚Beyond The Build‘ to give you an inside look into what a day is like shooting in the backcountry. Enjoy.“ – Bobby Brown
„Dynamic Medium“ – Beyond The Build – Triple Cork (BTS)
„The trials and tribulations of the triple cork. Have a look at what went into landing the 14 in the Wyoming backcountry.“ – Bobby Brown