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Videos„Day In Life“ beim Air & Style Contest in China mit Henrik...

„Day In Life“ beim Air & Style Contest in China mit Henrik Harlaut

Wie sieht ein Tag in China beim Big Air Contest „Air & Style“ aus Sicht von Schwedens Freeski-Superstar Henrik Harlaut aus? Hier erfahrt ihr es!

Henrik Harlaut – Day In Life / Nanshan Ski Village – China

„After the World cup Big Air in China Henrik had one day to spare before flying to Atlanta for the next contest. What to do? Go skiing of course! With help from Big Fu and his homies they had a great day of skiing park and eating a lot of food at the Beijing ski resort – Nanshan Ski Village. Let us know in the comments below what you would like to see in the next episode. Happy New Year!“


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First day skiing in China 🙌🤪🇨🇳 #harlautapparel Filmed by @_42mm_ @harlautapparelco #skiing #china #wutang #ghost #deini #tao #wu #dollo

Ein Beitrag geteilt von Henrik Harlaut (@hharlaut) am


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