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VideosEditsBackcountry Podcast mit Tom Wallisch

Backcountry Podcast mit Tom Wallisch

Tom Wallisch ist einer der bekanntesten und sympathischsten Freeskier im Business und im neuen Backcountry Podcast gibt er interessante Einblicke in seine einzigartige Karriere – sehr interessant!

“Known in the freeskiing community for his signature style and rail skiing prowess, Tom Wallisch is someone we knew we had to invite onto the podcast. Nils gets into a wide-ranging conversation with Tom, covering everything from X-Games wins to inspiring the next generation of skiing. Listen along to learn more about producing film projects and find out exactly what “afterbang” means. Tom’s influence on the freestyle skiing community is notably impactful, and his product innovations with Line Skis and K2 Ski Boots speak to his notoriety. “

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