Ein Klassiker der noch jungen Freeskiing-Geschichte: „Propaganda“ aus dem Hause Poor Boyz Productions.
„Propaganda“ (Full Movie) – 2001 – Poor Boyz Productions
Als 2001 John DeCesare´s Movie Propaganda erschien, veränderte das das Ski-Weltbild vieler künftiger Freeskier. J.F. Cusson’s massive Quaterpipe Hits, J.P. Auclair´s erster Loop und 4-fach gekinkte urban Rails bahnten den Weg in die Zukunft des Skifahrens.
Starring: JP Auclair, CR Johnson, Eric Pollard, JF Cusson, Mike Douglas, Boyd Easly, Mike Nick, Phil Poirier, Jon Olsson, Candide Thovex, Sarah Burke, Shannon Schad, Tanner Hall, Steele Spence and Shane Szocs.
„Propaganda“ (Full Movie) – 2001 – Offizielle Beschreibung
„This season from John DeCesare comes a progressive ski film that will continued to change the way you think about skiing. Witness J.F. Cusson’s massive 1/4 pipehits, J.P. Auclair doing the first-ever 360 degree man-made loop. See 4 kink urban rails, a record-setting hip jump by Jon Olsson, Candide Thovex going huge like only he can, C.R. Johnson’s 110 foot inverted 900, Shane Szocs‘ crevasse jumping extravaganza, and the biggest, baddest, most progressive skiing on the planet. Poor Boyz–true to the movement. Includes music by Rage Against the Machine, Motley Crue, Face to Face, Pennywise, Swollen Members and many more. Starring: JP Auclair, CR Johnson, Eric Pollard, JF Cusson, Mike Douglas, Boyd Easly, Mike Nick, Phil Poirier, Jon Olsson, Candide Thovex, Sarah Burke, Shannon Schad, Tanner Hall, Steele Spence and Shane Szocs.“