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VideosSeriesTraveling Circus Season 17 (2024/2025) – Alle Folgen

Traveling Circus Season 17 (2024/2025) – Alle Folgen

Es ist kaum zu glauben, was die Traveling Circus Crew um die LINE Skis Teamfahrer Andy Parry und Will Wesson seit nunmehr 17 Jahren produzieren. Die Video-Serie ist absolut legendär und unterhaltsam wie am Anfang. Hier sind alle Videos der Saison 2024/2025.

Viele weitere Folgen von der Traveling Circus Crew aus den letzten Jahren findet ihr in unserem Archiv.

LINE Traveling Circus 17.3 – Filmed On A Potato

„Two pounds of potatoes, sliced. One onion, chopped. One can cream of mushroom. 1/2 pound ham, cubed. 1/2 pound cheese, grated. Mix and bake at 375˚F for 30 minutes. Salt to taste. The van heads to the potato state to ski Mason Kennedy’s park at Tamarack Resort, set up a DIY park in the woods, and lap pow at Brundage Mountain – Was this filmed on a Potato? Dasha goes skiboarding. Bennie does backcountry. Where is Mason’s runaway tube? Will microwaves his dinner. Reagan tries the ice cream potato. Why won’t Andy go into Mel’s Hole?“

LINE Traveling Circus – 17.2 Ain’t No Stairs, No One Cares

„The philosophies of “urban” skiing are nuanced and varied. A wise man once said “If there ain’t no stairs, no one cares” or something like that…

In this episode, the crew makes the whole playground their mountain. Dicky tries to land in Powder. Will buys a discount headlamp. Mitchell does it in the park. Tucker gets back on the horse. Kale enters the Tree-Ride World Tour, and Andy gets a style coach, again. “If we were in a different time, they’d locked us up.”“

Featuring: Will Wesson, Andy Parry, Mitchell Brower, Dicky Thomas, Kale Cimperman, Bennie Osnow, Tucker Fitzsimons

Video & Edit: Jake Strassman

Video: LINE Traveling Circus 17.2 – BTS

„Life on the playground. Behind the scenes and extras from Episode 17.2 – Ain’t No Stairs, No One Cares.“

LINE Traveling Circus – 17.1 Weather Or Not

„Season 17 kicks off with a trip back east to meet old friends and unstable weather. The crew laps the park at Sugarbush, the ice at Gore Mtn, the slush at Whiteface, and caps it off with a DIY session at Snow Ridge.

Wood enthusiast, Ian Compton shows us the sauna he built. Will gets sweaty. Andy loses his ferry ticket before boarding the boat. Powder-boy Mitchell learns how to ski the east coast “hardcore-real-stuff”. Tweak invites us to his family cabin the Adirondacks. Sawyer gets filmed. Shane laughs at Andy. Our old friend Nick now owns a ski area in New York, which has baby goats. Bennie goes big, AND goes home!“

Featuring: Andy Parry, Will Wesson, Bennie Osnow, Mitchell Brower, Ian Compton, Kevin Merchant, Connor Starr, Shane McFalls, Sawyer Sellingham, Charlie Dayton, Erik Olson (kinda)

Video: LINE Traveling Circus 17.1 – BTS

„All our footy from episode 17.1 Weather Or Not. See the extra clips and hear the full stories from Andy Parry.“

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