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VideosSeriesSLVSH: Ski Dice (2024)

SLVSH: Ski Dice (2024)

Die SLVSH Crew packt die gute alte Ski Dice App aus und lässt im Snowpark Woodward Copper Cody Wilder Ray, Cody Laplante, Joona Kangas, Ferdinand Dahl, Colby Stevenson, Joss Christensen und Charlie Lasser gegeneinander antreten. Macht Bock das Format!

„We busted out the old ‚Ski Dice‘ App and tried out a new game during summer camp at Woodward Copper. Let us know what you think! Hopefully we can try this more and make it better.“

Skiers: Cody Wilder Ray, Cody Laplante, Joona Kangas, Ferdinand Dahl, Colby Stevenson, Joss Christensen and Charlie Lasser.


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