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VideosEdits"Nerve" - Die Geschichte hinter Colby Stevenson's schwerem Autounfall

“Nerve” – Die Geschichte hinter Colby Stevenson’s schwerem Autounfall

Nach einem schweren Autounfall stand die Freeski-Karriere von Colby Stevenson 2016 vor dem Aus. Er erlitt dabei eine schwere Kopf- und Gehirnverletzung. “Nerve” erzählt mit emotionalen Bildern die ganze Geschichte.

“‘Nerve’ is a true story about 24-year-old U.S. Freeski Team rider Colby Stevenson from Park City, Utah, overcoming traumatic brain injury and rehabilitation after a near-career ending car crash in 2016. The gifted skier suffered multiple skull fractures in the crash and doctors had little hope for a full recovery, let alone freestyle skiing on a professional level. Over the coming months, Stevenson endured vertigo and memory problems, but showed the will to power through the ordeal.”

“My whole dream, everything was over. I might not ever be the same again, but I always had hope. Before the crash, I did not see how lucky I was. Once it was all taken away, I started seeing the beauty in the little things. I started to be grateful.” – Colby Stevenson

Produced by Monster Energy
Written and directed by Clayton Vila


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